Men and Breasts

What was your first reaction when you saw this photo? Am guessing indifferent. This woman is just a simple native African woman carrying her child and going about her normal business. But what happens when you see a modern day woman topless? Am also guessing your reaction would not be indifferent.
Tomi. O sums up these experience In the piece bellow.

Breasts. Let us talk about them.
You are scrolling through channels and you stumble on a National Geographic programme titled: “the ancient tribe of northern africa”. You recline in your seat and witness an unapologetic display of a culture right out of the caveman story, where the women lived bare-breasted, and the men wore nothing but loin-cloth.
You are glued in awe. It is not sexual. It is normal. Fascinating. Innocent. Just an ancient tribe of people oblivious to the concept of being fully clothed. Thepre-eating of the forbidden fruit kind of people.
Later that evening, you are bored out of your mind and you stumble on a movie called “The living times of a dying life”. Ah, curiosity traps you, and you recline again. In the first scene, a voluptuous woman, with draping blonde hair, in a sheer silk dress dances provocatively in the direction of a young man. She undresses at the pace of the dawdling soundtrack, and she un-clips her bra.
Several things happen in your blood, some of your hormones wake up, and a certain organ also wakes up. One bare-breasted woman, and your mind is littered with rotten thoughts, sexual lingering, and a pseudo libidinal satisfaction.
You watched a tribe of bare-breasted women and half-naked men, but felt as pure as a newborn on Sunday morning.
Because context is everything. Intent is everything. Everything that is pure can be corrupted. A married couple engaging in coitus in their home is natural. A married couple doing the deed on a sidewalk is repugnant and salacious.
It makes you wonder. Maybe life is innately pure and winsome. Maybe humans have found, and keep finding ways to complicate and sully nature.
