As gross and funny as this pic looks, it's not the worst kiss I've come across. This is an almost extreme case anyway, lol. This is not the average Nigerian kiss. This case is a few steps away from worst case scenario. Check out what the average Nigerian kiss looks like after the next cut
Now this is way better than the last picture but it still is not good enough. I have come across articles online where white women have specifically accused Nigerian men of not knowing how to kiss. Am not an authority, but it appears the positioning of the head is crucial. In the last two pictures above, the heads of both partners are positioned straight. From the pictures, it looks like breather in even a problem! Lol. Check out what I consider a good kiss after the next cut.
Now this guy looks like he knows what he is doing, and notice the position of their heads is tilted to the side a little bit to allow for breathing and unnecessary knocking of heads. If you also notice the two pictures with the good kisses above, both have the partners using their hands on the cheek of their partner. Now drum roll for the worst case scenario kiss...
Like seriously I would brake up with a guy that kisses like this. Plus truth be told, the woman isn't any better. Lol.
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