Normally roaches crawl and are shy to make human contact, as they run and hide away, when they run into humans. But not this guy. He walks around the house like he is the boss. He is the biggest, baddest roach in town, and he wears his ego on his sleeve. He does what ever he wants, whenever he wants, like he may decide to take a walk through the living room while the family is having family time, or creep up into your blankets because he doesn't understand why he can't share the warmth with you.
When it comes to the ladies, ahh he is a supper star. He waits and hides in the dark for a lady to pass him bye. Sooner or later one does, then he spreads his red wings and flies on her body. He makes sure to fly into juicy areas like the cleavage, or into the back of her dress, and when he does this, he sits back and enjoys the pandemonium that follows.
Usually, the lady starts a kind of dance- macabre, a brake dance that looks almost like that of a priestess of Amahdioha dancing down the rain in a drought ravaged village. This dance is accompanied by lots of screaming and removal of clothing.
When the did is done, all that is left is an embarrassed, half naked lady, who looks slightly mad, and a proud greening cockroach, happy with his accomplishment.
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